  • Infinitely Beloved: A therapist explores divine intimacy

Infinitely Beloved: A therapist explores divine intimacy

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ISBN 978 1 906254 52 0 (2012)
Cover Price: £12.00
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This book is the outcome of lectures given by Brian Thorne in Salisbury Cathedral and St Julian’s church in Norwich. It gives powerful insights into the passionate commitment of a bridge-builder between the worlds of counselling and psychotherapy and mystical theology. Readers will have glimpses of the author in the roles of army officer, schoolmaster, counsellor, writer, university professor and life-long member of the Anglican church. They will also learn much about American psychologist and psychotherapist Carl Rogers, the medieval mystic, Julian of Norwich and the remarkable British therapist and educator, George Lyward. Lovers of Cyprus will be transported to the Mediterranean island whose history symbolises the yearnings, the hope and the despair of a struggling humanity. A book which feeds the mind, nourishes the soul and provokes a response.


Prologue to the first edition  A reluctant Prophet

Introduction to the new edition

Chapter 1  Journeys in relationship: Julian of Norwich and Carl Rogers

Chapter 2 A community of healing: George Lyward and Finchden Manor

Chapter 3 The surveillance culture and economic imperialism

Chapter 4 The redemption of sexuality and the evolution of humanity

Chapter 5 Letting go and letting be: The process of divinisation

Chapter 6 A love too great to bear? Julian’s gauntlet to humanity
          The Julian Lecture, 12th May, 2012

Epilogue  A clarion call to the church



“Brian Thorne issues a cri de coeur to the Church to become a school of love in a world yearning for intimacy.   Using his life experience and his expertise as a person-centred therapist illuminated by Christian theology, he shows this is a possibility and not a wild dream.   It is thrilling to travel with him.”  The Rt Revd Graham James, Bishop of Norwich

I found it a delight to read this short, non-academic (yet eminently intelligent), passionately argued polemic-cum-conspectus from a therapist clearly set free from the constraintsof institutional orthodoxy – writing (or, rather, speaking – for most of these lectures were delivered in Salisbury Cathedral in the Spring of 2002) at the height of his (personal) power and authority. Richard House

Brian Thorne

Brian Thorne is Co-founder of the Norwich Centre for Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development. A retired counsellor and psychotherapist, he is Emeritus Professor of Counselling at the University of East Anglia, Norwich and a former Professor of Education in the College of Teachers. He is the author or editor of 19 books which include, most recently, Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment: Bridging Faith and Person-Centred Therapy (Wiley – Blackwell, 2012) and – with Pete Sanders – Carl Rogers (3rd ed) (Sage Publishers, 2012). Professor Thorne is unusual in having maintained throughout a long and distinguished career, a passionate commitment both to the theory and practice of person-centred therapy and membership of the Anglican Church!

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Brian Thorne