Andrea Koch

Andrea Koch

Andrea Koch has masters in person-centered counseling, public management and human geography. Born in Germany, she spent most of her childhood in the US and lived her first decade as an adult in the Netherlands. She currently lives in Berlin, Germany and has worked for 25 years in NGOs striving for justice, peace and reconciliation. She is developing ways to integrate dream experiencing, Focusing, and a person-centered way of being, with political activism.

Books by Andrea Koch

Dreams and the Person-Centered Approach: Cherishing client experiencing

  • £14.00
This book situates dreaming and dreams at the center of person-centered theory and practice. More than thirty years ago Carl Rogers explicitly called for a focusing on dreams as a special and important form of client-experiencing. With this book Andrea Koch takes a significant step into this still largely unchartered territory: delineating the ‘dream sensing’ space with its…