  • Experiences in Relatedness:Groupwork and the person-centred approach

Experiences in Relatedness:Groupwork and the person-centred approach

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ISBN 978 1 898059 23 3 (1999)
Cover Price: £22.00
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Edited by two of the UK's principal practitioners of the Person-Centred Approach, this book is an international collection of specially commissioned papers. This is the first substantial book within the person-centred tradition on groupwork since Carl Rogers' Encounter Groups. Topics include: the history of the development of small and large groupwork within the PCA; theoretical principles of person-centred groupwork; research and applications of PCA groupwork, working with issues of sexuality and sexism; the use of the group in training; and large groups and workshops in the PCA. This book is recommended reading for all students of groupwork in the person-centred tradition on both sides of the Atlantic. There is no other book in print that covers the same ground.

•A Brief History of My Experience of the Development of Groupwork in the Person-Centered Approach Ruth Sanford
•PCA Groups: Past, Present . . . and Future? Colin Lago and Mhairi MacMillan
•Groupwork in Client-Centred Counsellor Training Irene Fairhurst and Tony Merry
•Sexism, Gender Dynamics and the Person-Centered Approach Peggy Natiello
•Experiencing Diversity Ruth Sanford
•Client-Centred Psychotherapy in Groups: Understanding the Influence of the Client-Therapist Relationship on Therapy Outcome Peter Figge
•A Person-Centred Approach to the Facilitation of Citizens' Juries: a Recent Development in Public Consultation Jane Hoffman
•The Facilitator Development Institute (Britain) Workshops John Barkham
•Toward an Understanding of Large Group Dialogue and its Implications John K Wood
•Experiences of Separateness and Unity in Person-Centred Groups Alan Coulson

Colin Lago

Colin Lago was Director of the University of Sheffield’s counselling service from 1987 to 2003 and now works as an independent counsellor/psychotherapist, trainer, supervisor and consultant. He is a Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. He has published numerous articles, videos and books on transcultural concerns and psychotherapy. His books include Race, Culture and Counselling: The ongoing challenge; Anti-Discriminatory Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy (co-edited with Barbara Smith); The Handbook of Transcultural Counselling and Psychotherapy and The Person Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy Handbook: Origins, developments and current applications (co-edited with Divine Charura). His passions include mountain travel, biking, swing dancing and art.

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Colin Lago

Mhairi MacMillan

Mhairi MacMillan has over 25 years' experience in person-centred groups. She has previously headed a university counselling service, lectured in counselling and authored a number of book chapters. She gave up independent practice as a counsellor and supervisor in order to be a full-time art student, and also became a student of the Beshara School, which includes study of the mystical philosopher, Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi.

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Mhairi MacMillan