Isla Parker

Isla Parker is a pen name. Isla is a freelance editor and writer who promotes the understanding of health issues and wellbeing. She undertook a degree in English and found it interesting to study how literature explores illness. This led to Isla writing a novel about anorexia for teenagers called Size Zero?, which is loosely based on her own experience. Isla has also co-edited The Practical Handbook of Dementia. In her free time Isla enjoys playing the piano. She also takes part in an online writing group that has introduced her to writers from different countries.

Books by Isla Parker

The Practical Handbook of Living with Dementia

  • £25.00
The Practical Handbook of Living with Dementia is one of the selected titles for the Reading Well for dementia booklist created by The Reading Agency and chosen by those living with dementia, carers and health professionals.  This book is available at all local libraries in England and Wales. This wide-ranging book takes a person-centred approach…

The Practical Handbook of Hearing Voices: Therapeutic and creative approaches

  • £25.00
Hearing voices, seeing visions and similar out-of-the-ordinary experiences have long intrigued and mystified humankind. The dominant scientific and medical understandings of these phenomena tend to problematise them. This ground-breaking book builds on the work of the Hearing Voices Movement and of the researchers Marius Romme and Sandra Escher in challenging this perception. The book is a collection of chapters by…