Jonathan Gadsby

Jonathan Gadsby qualified as a mental health nurse in Bristol in 2001. He did a Masters in the philosophy and ethics of mental health at the University of Warwick and a PhD at Birmingham City University, under the direction of Mervyn Morris and Marius Romme. He now works as a teacher of mental health nurses and social workers at Birmingham City University. He was one of the founders of the Critical Mental Health Nurses’ Network and has continued to contribute to their website as a writer and editor.

Books by Jonathan Gadsby

Critical Mental Health Nursing: observations from the inside

  • £21.00
The argument that propels this emphatic book is that mental health nursing cannot continue to pin the blame for its own actions and failings on the psychiatric hierarchy. As the editors point out, mental health nursing is a degree-level qualification; it has achieved its ambition to be ‘a profession in its own right’. But it has failed to…