Brian Levitt

Brian Levitt

Brian Levitt is a registered clinical and rehabilitation psychologist and a partner with Kaplan and Levitt Psychologists in Hamilton, Ontario. He works with people who have experienced trauma and loss, many of whom are also struggling with chronic pain.  He both trained and later worked at the Chicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Center, which grew from Carl Rogers’ work at the University of Chicago. Person-centered theory and applications are an abiding passion, and he has explored these in all aspects of his work across a wide variety of settings. Brian has edited two other books with PCCS Books, Embracing Non-Directivity (2005) and Reflections on Human Potential (2008).

Books by Brian Levitt

Embracing Non-directivity: Reassessing person-centered theory and practice in the 21st century

  • £22.00
Non-directivity is the distinguishing feature of the revolutionary, anti-authoritarian approach to psychotherapy and human relations developed by Carl Rogers. This book brings together an impressive international collection of person-centered writers, each exploring an important facet of non-directivity as it relates to person-centered theory and practice. Their contributions examine the history, theory, applications, and implications of the non-directive attitude. Non-directivity emerges…

Reflections on Human Potential: Bridging the person-centred approach and positive psychology

  • £20.00
A basic trust in the individual is at the heart of the person-centred approach. This trust is reflected in the radical ethical stance of non-directivity and in the theoretical construct of the actualising tendency.  In this companion volume to his well-received Embracing Non-directivity, Brian Levitt once again brings together an impressive international collection of person-centred writers. The actualising tendency…

Questioning Psychology: beyond theory and control

  • £15.00
What gets in the way of our understanding other people? So asks psychologist Brian Levitt in this challenging and deeply reflective book. Levitt writes with honesty and humility about the profession in which he has worked for 25 years and the people he has worked with. He questions the assumptions that prevent us from seeing people more fully for who they…